Youth Achievement Tangerang Regency “Achiever 1st Place in the Indonesian Youth Ship, DISSORABUDPAR, Tangerang Regency”
Rafi Sya'ban Alfaridzi, student of the Da'wah Management Study Program Faculty Preaching and Knowledge Communication of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, recently This selected as a Youth Achiever in the Nusantara Youth Ship program which is one of the programs of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia.
One young man from Subdistrict Cisoka , Rafi Sya'ban Alfaridzi, was successful to bring honor to the name of his region in the 2025 Tangerang Regency -level Nusantara Youth Ship event . In the competition prestigious award held by DISPORABUDPAR Tangerang Regency , Sya'ban won position as 1st place winner of the Indonesian Youth Ship, Tangerang Regency .
" This time I more from ready to carry not quite enough responsible for participating introducing Banten to audience national and also international , about the potential that Banten has , because The potentials that exist in Banten are what must be known , which in turn will Keep going give impact positive for the people of Banten and Indonesia in the future come ," said Sya'ban.
Nusantara Youth Ship (KPN) activity is a routine program held annually by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia. KPN is an activity that brings together Indonesian youth to learn and together develop potential Indonesian maritime .
The Indonesian Youth Ship (KPN) in general official launched in 1987 by the Ministry of National Education to implement mental preparation of ideology and science knowledge as well as technology of the characters young . Since in 2004 this program continued by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia and practiced as an annual routine program until moment this . In addition to the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports as institution executor Mainly , this program is also empowered by the Indonesian Navy Headquarters, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries , together with decentralized elements . to area .
Sya'ban revealed that his motivation to become a Youth Achiever Tangerang Regency originates from from his desire to contribute to development field youth and maritime , especially for students or students in the area surrounding area .
"Alhamdulillah, after going through a very strict selection process for the selection of outstanding youth level Tangerang Regency in 2025 which was attended by 92 participants From various sub-districts in Tangerang Regency , I came in first place with a score of highest The 2025 Tangerang Regency Youth Ship field was successful make the name of the sub-district famous Cisoka and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta at the momentum of the 2025 Tangerang Regency Youth Achievement Selection Activity held by the Youth and Sports Service "Culture and Tourism (DISPORABUDPAR) of Tangerang Regency ," said Sya'ban.
This event attended by 92 participants and implemented took place at the Yasmin Hotel Karawaci , Tangerang Regency , on Thursday, March 20, 2025. The selection process that must be even passed through easy , covering selection administration , test write , test interviews , as well as talent tests . In addition, the solution from Rafi Sya'ban Alfaridzi, to be able to pass to become The delegation of the Indonesian Youth Ship representing Tangerang Regency , a person must take various tests , both tests youth , religion, arts and culture .
Through an inspiring journey , Sya'ban does not only focused on academics , but also active in various organizations /institutions/ agencies at the university level regional , national , and international . Moreover Besides that, Sya'ban is also the Regional Director of Banten Tourism Ambassador .
“Apart from being Students who are active in various activities both on campus or outside campus , I also participate active to search experience in several companies and schools private sector as an internship location," said Sya'ban.
Rafi Sya'ban Alfaridzi also expressed his gratitude for the achievement. said . He confess that competition in competition this is very tight and becomes challenge separately for the participants .
Sya'ban emphasized that youth must become active agents of change with love for the country and concern for others . Sya'ban also highlighted importance involvement outside communities in its programs .
Participation active from society and community will have a big influence on the success of the programs he runs . carry .