To Enhance Reporter Competence, RDK FM's News Department Holds Journalism Training
To Enhance Reporter Competence, RDK FM's News Department Holds Journalism Training

"RDK FM's News Department Successfully Holds Journalism Training on 'Building Strong and Integrity-Driven Narratives through Best Angle Mapping in News'. The agenda included discussions on determining angles, tips for interviewing sources, and dissecting news stories. The training took place on Saturday (18/05) at the Community Hall of Cipayung Sub-district Office, attended by all members of the News Department at RDK FM.

The objective of RDK FM's journalism training was to enhance reporters' skills in news writing, assist them in determining news angles, and improve the quality of news continually updated on RDK FM's website and blog."

The presentation of the material was delivered by Argya D. Maheswara. The topics he covered were easily comprehensible and applicable! Do you want to know what was discussed at last Saturday's News Department training with Kak Argya? Let's find out!

News Angles

Previously, do you know what "news angle" means? A news angle is a perspective on an event or issue that will be written about. Why is a news angle important? A news angle is important because it can make the news more focused, relevant, and interesting. There are two types of journalists in determining a news angle: those who decide before and those who decide during or after the coverage.

Easy tips for determining a news angle are also divided into two: focus and "Tikpet." Have you ever heard the term "Tikpet"? Tikpet stands for "Typing Fast," or typing directly what the source is saying.

Important Aspects in the News

What aspects should Balamuda consider before choosing a news topic? First, the public interest in the chosen topic. Second, the novelty and uniqueness of the topic also influence the news that will be created. Third, the proximity of the topic to the audience, either geographically or emotionally. Fourth, controversy. Balamuda should know that topics that attract attention usually involve conflict. Fifth, emotion. Balamuda should also choose issues that can touch the audience's emotions. Sixth, trends. Is the topic Balamuda is considering currently trending?

Resource Interview

Do you know the benefits of interviewing sources? First, to obtain information directly. Second, to build relationships with the sources. Third, for credibility in reporting and coverage.

How do you find the right sources? Before entering the interview process, the first step Balamuda takes is to determine the sources. Some entities that can be used as sources include eyewitnesses, spokespersons, experts, public figures, and so on. In this process, it must be ensured that the chosen sources have credibility regarding the questions to be asked.

A list of questions

Before the interview process with a source, Balamuda should prepare a list of questions. Therefore, avoid unnecessary questions and those that are "yes" or "no" questions. The questions in the interview are also closely related to the chosen angle of the news that will be written.

There are two types of journalists when creating a list of questions: on-site, or questions asked directly, and pre-coverage, or questions prepared before the interview.

Balamuda should know some tips to remain critical during the interview. First, master the issue or topic to be covered. Second, focus on the "why" questions. Third, bring background information if possible. Fourth, conduct the interview in a flowing manner.

Wow, Balamuda, it turns out there is a lot of information to gain from the training. Never be ashamed to go through the process, Balamuda! There are many ways you can take and learn if you like the world of journalism. (Gisska Putri Hidayat)