The Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, UIN Jakarta is ready to contribute to UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta's Strategic Steps Towards PTKNBH
The Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, UIN Jakarta is ready to contribute to UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta's Strategic Steps Towards PTKNBH

South Tangerang – An atmosphere full of enthusiasm and optimism radiated from the faces of the participants of the 2025 UIN Jakarta Pre-Leadership Meeting (PraRapim) which took place on February 5-6, 2025. This event became a crucial momentum in the journey of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta towards the status of a State Religious College with Legal Entity (PTKNBH). The Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM) UIN Jakarta participated in this strategic forum to ensure their participation in the major transformation of the institution.

On the first day, the Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, MA, Ph.D., opened the event with a meaningful message about the importance of learning from history. "We must emulate the sincerity and commitment of the founders of UIN Jakarta who have laid a strong foundation for our progress today," he said. In addition, he emphasized the need for continuous improvement so that this institution is increasingly competitive in the national and international arena.

The main discussion on the first day was led by the Head of the Quality Assurance Institute, Prof. Dr. Khamami, MA, together with the Coordinator of the Main Performance Index (IKU), Prof. Dr. Suma'inna, M.Si. They outlined the strategic targets that must be achieved by each work unit, including FDIKOM, in order to improve the quality and competitiveness of the institution.

On the second day, the atmosphere became more dynamic with deeper discussions in the commission meeting. One of the sessions that attracted attention was the material on student character building delivered by Prof. Dr. HM. Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh, MA, Deputy for Youth Empowerment of the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports. He emphasized that students must have high competitiveness in the increasingly competitive global era.

In addition, the aspect of human resource development (HRD) is also a major focus. Suharti, S.Psi., M.Sc., conveyed the importance of implementing talent management for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the campus environment. This strategy is believed to be able to improve the professionalism and competence of educators and education personnel.

No less interesting, Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, ST, MT, M.Agr, Deputy Head of UI GreenMetric, provided insight into the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. In his presentation, he underlined concrete steps that can be taken by UIN Jakarta to strengthen the concept of a green and sustainable campus.

The Rector of UIN Jakarta closed the series of discussions with a message that emphasized the importance of synergy in all lines. "Every unit must think forward with a clear scale of priorities. Good communication between academics is the key to our success," he said.

With a high spirit of collaboration, FDIKOM UIN Jakarta is ready to contribute in making UIN Jakarta a leading university. The transformation towards PTKNBH is not just a discourse, but a real step towards a brighter future. (dg)

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