the 2022 PMI Practicum Proposal Seminar I
Ciputat – South Tangerang, Faculty of Da'wah and Science Communication (FDIKOM) on Friday, February 21 , 2025 held Practical Proposal Seminar I activities for Students of Class of 2022 with System Analysis theme Empowerment Through Practice Field In Social Institutions Community . This event Alone held in the Theater Room , 2nd Floor, Prof. H. Aqib Suminto , Faculty of Da'wah and Islamic Studies Building Communication of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and guided directly by Mrs. Isna Rahmawati, M. Ling. Then welcome given by Dr. Muhtadi, M.Si as Deputy Dean for the Field Student Affairs , he convey hope big that with the holding of the First Practical Proposal Seminar Student Islamic Community Development Class of 2022 can get objective of the holding of This is Practicum I Alone so that Then can operate back to the program that has been they study at each institution mentioned in Practicum II which will be implemented in the following semester .
In the Practical Proposal Seminar I itself participate attended by Mrs. Dr. Wati Nilamsari M.Sc and Mrs. Dr. Nurul Hidayati , M.Pd as tester . Each group in a way sequentially presenting each of their proposals as well as explain the program that will be they do in the institution related . Group 1 presents the Proposal with title Empowerment Efforts Through Action ( Workers) Social Services ) By the Social Services Agency DKI Jakarta Province . Explained that with raise this program so colleagues Group 1 can overcome problem social at the level ward with increase PSM's ability in knowledge , skills and attitudes in carry out roles , duties and functions in organization welfare social with increase PSM's function as a medium for coordination , consultation and exchange information . Tester give input in Group 1 in the form of will more Good If there is explanation more in related institution taken and the programs carried out during three month forward . Group 1 should also more Can explain reason from Group have territory and location related .
Exposure continued by Group 2 which raised title Implementation of Empowerment Program Through Activity Inspiratrip and Ramadhan Camp For Increase Children's Creativity . In their presentation , Group 2 explained objective from this Program namely For implementation empowerment of children orphan in increase creativity , skills and knowledge . Next Group 3 brings programs that operate in the field of economy with push independence of the mustahik with provide training programs skills , mentoring business as well as provide capital assistance effort . Continued by Group 4 explaining that training and workshops for increase skills and knowledge , especially in Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector . In the third group the Tester underline that explanation about institutions and timelines that will carried out at the institution the must detailed again . For Then The tester also recommends they For using SWOT and Fishbone Analysis Techniques .
Exposure continued by Group 5 which took the empowerment program in practice digital entrepreneurship and creation processed food food . Target main from this program is mustahik who is below fostered by BAZNAS South Tangerang City. which is group public not enough able to be get training and mentoring in increase skills entrepreneurship and production food . The input given to Group 5 , namely in writing their proposal, which should be use methodology in approach society , not approach research , as well as improvements to the program's own activities that are assessed Still not enough detailed and specific . Group 6 explains Community Empowerment through the PFPreneur Program at the Pertamina Foundation, through the explanation , Group 6 was asked For to fix some formats in the proposal are too refer to to the internship proposal compared to the practical proposal .
Group 7 became one of the wrong ones One the group that also participated empowering MSMEs through LAZ Inovazi institution , through a program that will carried out by Group 7 has fulfil standard Community Development , however teacher still give notes on the methodology used should use methodology approach public No approach research . Different with Group 7, Group 8 choose focus on empowerment Mosque Youth and focus access empowerment on ability Mosque Youth in use Social Media . Continued by Group 9 which focuses on empowerment prisoner rehabilitation through marketing in crafts the hands they produce via E-Commerce. The input given tester not enough more Still The same as given to Group previously , but in Group 8 this tester emphasize For more capable analyze the state they are in face in the institution related as well as reason Why matter the Can happen .
Group 10 brings the Child Empowerment Program to Face with Law (ABH) and Groups Prone to Through Development Training Marketing Handicraft Products on the E-Commerce Platform at Sentra Mulya Jaya Jakarta, Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta. With hope , the program they bring can empowering individual the become someone who can own skills . With this , tester request Group 10 for create a new program , not only rely on the Program that has been there is . Same suggestion given to Group 11 which raised the Utilization Program Recycled Waste As Product Creativity and Community Empowerment Solutions Through Karang Taruna. Both You're welcome need to study repeat the program to be brought and arranged return according to system Community empowerment .
Group 12 presents about Economic Empowerment Through Improvement The Quality of MSMEs and Creative Green Education for Children at the Mizan Amanah Orphanage, according to examiner , the presentation given has
Exposure continued by Group 13 which targets empowerment in the Cadet Group in processing trash , but sadly tester request For remodel repeat all over program design due to No relevance institutions that can be obtained with the planned program . It will be more Good when the program is brought more support growth institution on a things that have been they do not on the matter new that is not can confirmed Sustainability -nya . In the Group final namely Group 14 also promotes management programs trash at the Istiqlal Mosque. Just like Group previously , the examiner suggested to Group 14 to select a program that has been implemented than a new program that hasn't yet can confirmed its continuity especially in institutions big such as the Istiqlal Mosque. With implementation Exposure all over group , then Next, Mrs. Isna Rahmawati, M. Ling, continued by highlighting some points revisions that are mostly obtained by each group like program specifications , description more complete about institution and the timeline that can made more Details again . After The 2022 PMI Practicum Proposal Seminar I is closed with Photo together .