PMI Student Attends the Empowering Youth in Social Innovation (Cultivating The Next Generation of Changemakers) Event with NAMA Talk
PMI Student Attends the Empowering Youth in Social Innovation (Cultivating The Next Generation of Changemakers) Event with NAMA Talk

Nahdiah Rohmah, a sixth-semester student of Islamic Community Development, attended a Business Pitching event organized specifically for young people, particularly Instarter scholarship recipients, on Thursday, March 7, 2024. The event was attended by several experienced panelists from various business fields, offering many opportunities and support for the participants.

The event began at 10:00 AM in the conference room of the NAMA Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Before the event started, the participants, consisting of Instarter scholarship recipients and several invited guests, had gathered with enthusiasm and anticipation.

Mr. Zayd, the Master of Ceremony, opened the event with his warm welcome. He invited Dr. Saleh Mubarak Bazead, the CEO of NAMA Foundation, to deliver his address before the event officially began. Dr. Saleh expressed his enthusiasm for the event and his hopes for the participants who would be presenting their business pitches.

Following this, the panelists, consisting of successful entrepreneurs, investors, and industry professionals, took turns giving brief introductory remarks about their experiences and knowledge in the business world. The panelists present included:

  1. Akram Afifi (Founder & CEO Mengaji Online App)
  2. Kevin Yee (Investment Associate, RHL Ventures)
  3. Vikra Ijas (Co Founder & CEO of KitaBisa)
  4. Ifran bin Tarmizi (General Manager

After the panelists' introductory remarks, the main event, the business pitching by the participants, began. Using English as the official language of the event, the participants presented their business ideas one by one with enthusiasm and confidence.

The participants demonstrated their creativity and dedication in presenting innovative business ideas, ranging from edu-tech, food and beverage, skincare, to education. Each presentation was followed by a commentator session with intensive suggestions and feedback from the panelists, providing constructive input for further business development and pitch deck refinement.

After all the participants completed their business pitching, the event continued with a closing address by Mr. Supriatna, Chief Program Officer of Instarter. This was followed by the closing ceremony, which included the awarding of certificates and souvenirs to the participants and panelists. Upon completion, Mr. Zayd concluded the event with a few closing words, expressing his appreciation to all the participants, panelists, and organizers for the success of the event.

The event concluded with a warm atmosphere, where participants had the opportunity to interact directly with the panelists and take photos together as mementos.