PERMATA: Khatam Al-Qur'an Program Collaboration of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences and Hayrat Foundation Indonesia
PERMATA: Khatam Al-Qur'an Program Collaboration of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences and Hayrat Foundation Indonesia

Ciputat - Fdikom , In order to turn on Ramadhan atmosphere with spirit of worship, Hayrat Foundation Indonesia collaborates with Faculty Preaching and Knowledge Communication organizes the PERMATA program ( Khalam Al-Qur'an Program ). This program aiming For strengthen values Islam through reading of the Qur'an and make Ayasofya Da'wah Center as center preaching of the Qur'an during month holy Ramadan.

Bringing Ramadan to Life with Recitation of the Qur'an

PERMATA is designed as receptacle for students , lecturers , and the community general For deepen love towards the Qur'an. With a minimum target of one day One juz , participants can to finish completing the Qur'an during the month of Ramadan. This program No only become a means of worship, but also a momentum for increase

togetherness in community more Islam​ wide .

Series Activity Full of Blessings

In addition to reading the Qur'an, the PERMATA program also presents sermons delivered by several​ Ustadz and lecturer use add outlook participants ' Islamic beliefs . This study become mark plus in the program, so that besides reading , participants can also understand and practice the contents of the Qur'an in life daily .

The leaders Hayrat Foundation Indonesia participate present in this event For give support as well as ensure smoothness activities . Presence they the more confirm commitment in build culture reading and studying the Koran in circles academics and society general .

Strengthen Silaturahmi and Collaboration Science

More from just worship, this program become event strengthen friendship between lecturers , students and the community around . With existence interaction in atmosphere full blessings , hopefully the relationship that is established the more close and give birth collaboration sustainable in field preaching and knowledge .

Hope for Collaboration Sustainable

All parties involved​ hope this PERMATA program No only become activity yearly , but also become beginning from more synergy​ wide between Faculty Preaching and Knowledge Communication with Hayrat Foundation Indonesia. Hopefully activity This can become inspiration for Lots party For Keep going increase love towards the Qur'an and multiply deeds of worship in the full month blessing This .

Happy yes Ramadhan, hopefully We all get blessings and manifold rewards​ double .