International Youth Leadership Summit 2024 In Malaysia
International Youth Leadership Summit 2024 In Malaysia
One of the sixth-semester students from the Da'wah Management Study Program at the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Rafi Sya’ban Alfaridzi, was selected as a delegate for the International Youth Leadership Summit in Malaysia, which was held from February 17 to February 24, 2024. The theme for this year is “The Role of Youth as Future Leaders,” focusing on Leadership, Education, Culture, and Motivation.

The International Youth Leadership Summit 2024 in Malaysia this year was attended by around 16 participants from 4 countries and several universities in Malaysia. From Indonesia, the selected delegates from PTIQ Jakarta and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta came from various faculties, including the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, the Faculty of Sharia and Law, and the Faculty of Economics and Business. Other participating countries included Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Turkey.

"The main activities of the International Youth Leadership Summit include Learning Malaysia History, International Relations Malaysia, Cultural Experience Learning, Focus Group Discussion, Intellectual and Spiritual Intelligence Forum, Visit the Printing of the Quran, and Halal Tourism," said Sya’ban.

Rafi Sya’ban Alfaridzi explained that the International Youth Leadership Summit 2024 is a program focused on Leadership, Education, Culture, and Motivation. Among its objectives are to enhance understanding of cultural diversity and multiculturalism in a global environment, improve the quality of Human Resources (HR), strengthen connections and foster collaborative opportunities among young people both domestically and globally, develop foreign language skills, explore leadership potential and personal development through new challenges in an international setting, cultivate a religious character, and visit various historical sites in Malaysia. The program also aims to enhance the understanding and skills of the younger generation in community empowerment across various fields such as leadership, education, health, environmental stewardship, motivation, and socio-cultural issues.

The activities of this event were held in two locations: Kuala Lumpur from February 17-20, 2024, and Negeri Sembilan in several cities from February 21-24, 2024. During this time, participants were invited to learn foreign language skills, including Malay, English, Turkish, and Arabic, as well as the history of Malaysia and its sultanates. They explored various places significant for their economic, political, and royal heritage in Malaysia.

Rafi Sya’ban Alfaridzi stated that during the program in Malaysia, participants gained a wealth of knowledge and experiences beneficial for driving change.

“We gained a lot of valuable knowledge. Spending a week in a foreign country, our exhaustion was greatly rewarded with numerous experiences and insights that we can use for change and motivation for other young people. We sincerely hope that all the experiences and lessons on Leadership, Education, Culture, and Motivation can be implemented and realized in our homeland,” said Sya’ban.