Improving the Quality of Education at FDIKOM Through the International Accreditation Process
Improving the Quality of Education at FDIKOM Through the International Accreditation Process

The Faculty of Dakwah and Communication Sciences (Fdikom) held an International Accreditation Workshop (ACQUIN) at Wisma Syahida Inn, Ciputat, which took place over two days, Wednesday (15/5) and Thursday (16/5).

This accreditation workshop aimed to synchronize the documents to complete, perfect, and revise several minor aspects that are important to be submitted to the ACQUIN accreditation agency in Germany. Additionally, in terms of the visitation simulation aspect, it was intended to better prepare Fdikom for welcoming the assessors to Indonesia, particularly to UIN Jakarta.

Two study programs (Prodi) at Fdikom successfully achieved superior accreditation. These include the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting (KPI) program, which was established by the Decree of the Chairman of BAN PT Number 804 of 2024, and the Da'wah Management (MD) program, established by the Decree of the Chairman of BAN PT Number 787 of 2024. In light of this achievement, Fdikom Dean Gun Gun Heryanto expressed hope that other study programs would attain the same level of accreditation.


The presentation of a certificate to the speaker by the Dean of Fdikom. (DNK TV/Zahra Nur 'afida)

"We are making significant efforts to ensure that other programs, such as the Islamic Counseling Guidance Program (BPI), the Social Welfare Program (Kessos), the Islamic Community Development Program (PMI), and the Journalism Program, will soon follow suit in becoming superior programs in the Faculty of Dakwah and Communication Sciences. Additionally, at the master's level, the MD program also aims for accreditation. And God willing, the day after tomorrow, on Friday, May 17, 2024, there will be a proposal review for the establishment of a Ph.D. program in Islamic Communication and Broadcasting (KPI)," said Gun Gun in his remarks at the International Accreditation Workshop on Wednesday (15/5).

Gun Gun also mentioned their efforts to enhance infrastructure within their institution. For instance, Vice Dean (Wadek) 2, Rubiyanah, has initiated a project to develop smart classrooms aimed at creating a modern and interactive learning environment for students. Additionally, there are plans to establish the Fdikom Newsroom, which will serve as a center for information and communication for students and faculty staff. Moreover, they are committed to developing a Green Campus to foster an environmentally friendly and sustainable campus environment.

"Accreditation in this workshop can motivate the faculty to continuously improve various aspects, including enhancing services and facilities, as well as adapting to technological advancements and student needs. Thus, accreditation is not just a goal but also an ongoing journey towards enhancing the quality of education. As a result, Fdikom will be able to provide a better and more competitive educational experience in the future," Gun Gun concluded in his interview with DNK TV on Wednesday (15/5). (Writer: Zahra Nur 'afida Mahfudz)