Hajj and Umrah Manasik Guide Certification Batch XIV 2025 Officially Opened
Hajj and Umrah Manasik Guide Certification Batch XIV 2025 Officially Opened

Jakarta, February 17, 2025 – The 2025 Hajj and Umrah Manasik Guide Certification was officially opened today, Monday (2/17), at Golden Tulip Essential Tangerang. This event is the result of collaboration between the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Organization (Dirjen PHU) of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and the Association of Muslim Hajj and Umrah Organizers of the Republic of Indonesia (AMPHURI).

The opening ceremony was attended by various figures important , including Dr. H. Adib, M.Ag. ( Head of Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of DKI Jakarta Province ). In addition , also present a number of official academic from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, namely Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, M.Si (Dean of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta), Dr. Rubiyanah, MA. (Vice Dean II), Dr. Muhtadi, M.Si. (Vice Dean III), Dr. H. Cecep Castrawijaya , MA, Drs. KH. Ahmad Kartono, M.Si. , H. Amirudin , M.Si. , Dr. Hj. Mastanah, MA., Dr. H. Muhamad Zen, MA., Dr. Hj. Musfiroh Nurlaili , MA., Dr. Hj. Umi Musyarofah , MA., Hj . Nunung Khairiah, MA., Abdul Hafiz, S.Sos , MA (Lecturer, Assessor and team Organizer activity Certification Mentor Professional Hajj and Umrah Manasik ).

In his speech, Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto said that this certification activity aims to improve the capacity of hajj guides in terms of organization, intellectual, and social. "As a hajj guide, a deep understanding of various aspects of regulations and knowledge of the hajj pilgrimage is required. In addition to professionalism, integrity is also the main thing, because this is a long-term commitment," he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. H. Adib, M.Ag emphasized that this certification not only brings benefits in improving skills, but also becomes a means of friendship between participants. "Training like this is full of blessings, not only because of the knowledge but also because it strengthens brotherhood. I personally am still a member of the friendship group from training previously ever​ I follow ," he said .

This certification will take place from 17 to 24 February 2025 and will cover various materials related to hajj and umrah manasik guidance, the latest regulations, and effective guidance strategies. With this program, it is hoped that hajj guides can be more professional and have integrity in guiding hajj and umrah pilgrims in Indonesia.

This certification activity is a strategic step in improving the quality of hajj and umrah guidance services in Indonesia. With the support of various parties, including academics and practitioners, this program is expected to be able to produce guides who are not only competent but also have high dedication. in serve people.

(A. Hafiz)

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