Guest Lecturer for the Course on Management of Islamic Institutions and Finance: The Role of Technology and Product Innovation in Increasing Access to Services at Islamic Financial Institutions
Jakarta, December 27, 2024 – The Da'wah Management Study Program, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, successfully held a guest lecturer activity that discussed product and technology innovation in Islamic financial institutions, by presenting Pratiwi Budi Apriyanti, Branch Manager of BSI KCP Tangerang, as the main speaker.
The activity, which took place at the Prof. Dr. H. R. Husnul Aqib Suminto Theater, was attended by students and lecturers with enthusiasm. In this session, Pratiwi presented material on the Islamic banking business model and how technology plays an important role in increasing access to services.
"Islamic banks must adapt to technological advances to meet the needs of modern society while maintaining sharia principles," said Pratiwi. She emphasized that BSI Mobile is a concrete example of digital innovation with Islamic features that include prayer schedules, Qibla direction, and zakat calculators.
Material Presented
1. Islamic Bank Business Concept:
Prioritizing the principles of justice, balance, and benefit.
Sharia-based financial products such as murabahah, musyarakah, and ijarah.
Management of zakat funds and non-halal fines allocated for charity funds.
2. Digital Innovation in BSI Mobile:
Payment services via QRIS, eMoney top-up, interbank fund transfers, and other Islamic features.
Convenience for customers to transact and worship on one platform.
3. Increasing Access to Sharia Finance:
The importance of technology-based financial inclusion, especially in the post-pandemic era.
The use of digital applications as a strategy to reach a wider range of customers, especially the millennial generation.
The students gained new insights into the importance of technological innovation in sharia finance. The discussion was interactive, where students asked about the implementation of sharia fintech, challenges in managing digital products, and career opportunities in the sharia financial industry.
The Head of the Da'wah Management Study Program, Amirudin, M.Sc., in his remarks hoped that this activity would inspire students to contribute to the development of sharia financial institutions in Indonesia. "Our students are expected to be agents of change who are able to bring the spirit of innovation into Islamic financial institutions," he said.
This activity is one of the manifestations of UIN Jakarta's commitment to producing graduates who are ready to face the challenges of the Islamic financial industry in the future. (A.H)