Fdikom UIN Jakarta Holds Workshop on Preparing Work Reference Framework for Hajj and Umrah Manasik Guide Certification
Fdikom UIN Jakarta Holds Workshop on Preparing Work Reference Framework for Hajj and Umrah Manasik Guide Certification

Jakarta, 3-4 February 2025 – The Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has successfully held a workshop on the preparation of a work reference framework for the certification of hajj and umrah manasik guides. This activity lasted for two days in Bogor. The preparation was attended by the Dean of FDIKOM Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, M. Si., Deputy Dean 2 Dr. Rubiyanah, MA., Deputy Dean 3 Dr. Muhtadi, M. Si., Head of Undergraduate Study Program MD Amirudin, M. Si., Head of Masters Study Program MD Dr. Cecep Castrawijaya, MA., Practitioner in the Field of Hajj and Umrah Dr. Hj. Mastanah M.Si., Dr. HA Kartono, SPMHU assessor Abdul Hafiz, S.Sos, MA, Musfiroh Nurlaili HMA, Nunung Khoiriyah MA, Dr. Umi Musyarrofah MA and the organizing committee for the Certification of Hajj and Umrah Guidance Guides, FDIKOM UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

This workshop was held in response to the need to improve the quality of hajj and umrah manasik guides in Indonesia. In his speech, the Dean of FDIKOM UIN Jakarta conveyed the importance of a clear and comprehensive certification framework so that guides can provide the best service to the congregation.

“There are dynamics in organizing activities, including the certification of hajj guides. The most important thing for hajj guide certification is integrity. The preparation of this certification work reference framework is a strategic step to ensure that hajj and umrah manasik guides have the appropriate competencies. We hope that the results of this workshop can be a useful reference for the development of education and training in the field of hajj,” said Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, M. Si (Dean of FDIKOM UIN Jakarta).

This workshop presents experts in the field of hajj and umrah, who discuss various important aspects, including ethics of guides, worship management, and techniques for delivering material to the congregation. This workshop is held to formulate a clear and systematic framework for the certification of hajj and umrah manasik guides. This framework will be the foundation for the certification of hajj and umrah manasik guides. With a clear framework, it is hoped that guides can carry out their duties better and in accordance with the established standards. This is in line with the statement made by Dr. Cecep Castrawijaya, MA.

" The hajj manasik guide certification activity carried out by FDIKOM UIN Jakarta has been carried out 13 times and will be carried out for the 14th time. Currently, we need a work reference framework for manasik guides to become professional guides and unify the perceptions of the whole. By involving various parties, we can ensure that the work reference framework produced is in accordance with the needs in the field," he explained.

During the two days, the dynamic discussions resulted in several important points for the work reference framework, including the competency standards that must be possessed by the guides, certification procedures, and evaluation mechanisms. The Head of the S1 Da'wah Management Study Program added that this workshop was not only about preparing documents, but also about building awareness of the importance of the quality of hajj and umrah manasik guides.

At the end of the workshop, participants agreed to prepare an initial draft of the certification work reference framework that will be revised and tested. The follow-up plan also includes the preparation of a training program for prospective mentors that will be implemented in the near future.

With this activity, FDIKOM UIN Jakarta is committed to continuing to contribute to improving the quality of hajj and umrah services in Indonesia. It is hoped that the resulting certification work reference framework can be a reference for educational institutions and related institutions in training hajj and umrah manasik guides.(Siti Sofiah Rahmawati