Enhancing the Zakat Ecosystem, FDIKOM Collaborates with Ziswaf Baznas RI
Enhancing the Zakat Ecosystem, FDIKOM Collaborates with Ziswaf Baznas RI

The Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM) collaborates with Zakat, Infak, Sedekah, and Wakaf (Ziswaf), the National Amil Zakat Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Baznas RI). This cooperation and signing ceremony focus on the fields of communication and laboratories, aiming to enhance the zakat ecosystem to boost national zakat. The event was held in the Theater Room on the second floor of the FDIKOM building, on Monday (25/03).


Achmad Sudrajat, the Head of National Coordination at Baznas, stated that with this collaboration, Baznas is introducing several flagship programs, one of which allows students to volunteer in managing the integrated flow of zakat and infak with Baznas. In this context, the target of Baznas is UIN Jakarta students, specifically those within the scope of FDIKOM.


"FDIKOM has advantages that attract Baznas to collaborate with it. In the laboratory, there will be various practices to learn, such as planning, management, distribution, evaluation, reporting, and zakat simulation. Besides aiming to enhance the zakat ecosystem to boost national zakat, the campus is also expected to make a significant contribution in supporting national zakat," he stated.


The Vice Dean for Student Affairs of FDIKOM, Muhtadi, said that FDIKOM has a strong motivation in the field of zakat literacy. Zakat literacy can build the ecosystem and encourage greater participation in managing zakat. Baznas, which has great potential, can channel this potential to the students. Thus, this collaboration becomes a significant opportunity for the entire academic community of FDIKOM.


"The Ziswaf institution at FDIKOM has a volunteer system, where they must understand, be aware, and work for the benefit of the community. The effectiveness of zakat strengthening programs in the campus environment is substantial. In the future, we hope that the Ziswaf laboratory in collaboration with Baznas can be much larger and optimized in terms of zakat collection, so that the benefits can be felt by all of us," he explained.


(Rayhan Anugerah Ramadhan)