Empowering Pesantren through Spiritual Entrepreneurship: The Socio-Economic Movement Phenomenon of Idrisiyyah
Empowering Pesantren through Spiritual Entrepreneurship: The Socio-Economic Movement Phenomenon of Idrisiyyah

On Thursday, March 28, 2024, the Monthly Discussion of the Islamic Community Development Study Program (PMI) was held, attended by WG. Pramita Ratnasari as the Head of the PMI Study Program, as well as Study Rizal and Isna Rahmawati as PMI lecturers. The event was moderated by Muhtadi, the Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM), and the main speaker presenting the material was Asep Usman Ismail, a professor of Sufism at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

The event started at 10:00 AM in the meeting room on the 1st floor of the FDIKOM building. Muhtadi, as the moderator, opened the event by providing a brief introduction to the concept of empowering pesantren (Islamic boarding schools). After the introduction, Muhtadi invited the speaker to present the material titled "Empowering Pesantren through Spiritual Entrepreneurship: The Socio-Economic Movement Phenomenon of Idrisiyyah."

Asep explained that the concept of empowering pesantren involves two influencing factors: strengthening the institution and enhancing economic self-sufficiency. In the spiritual concept, entrepreneurship means a business spirit based on religion and its governing system. He emphasized that the Idrisiyyah order promotes the concept of spiritual entrepreneurship by aligning business activities with the three core teachings of religion: tauhid (monotheism), fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), and tasawuf (Sufism).

According to him, the Idrisiyyah spiritual concept is unique, as it emerges from the neo-Sufism paradigm, creating a business ethos motivated by worship. For instance, when the call to prayer (adhan) is heard, business activities are temporarily halted for prayer. In Idrisiyyah, there are no terms like employees; instead, the terms khadimun-khadimat (servants) are used, usually led by a mursyid (spiritual guide). All professional activities are conducted and overseen by a mursyid.

Asep also explained that spiritual entrepreneurship has three bridges connecting the socio-economic movement of Idrisiyyah: lillah (devoting everything to Allah, representing a high level of monotheism, tauhid rububiyyah), fillah (striving to be on Allah's path, following His laws and rules), and billah (seeking sustenance through entrepreneurship while leaving the final results to Allah). All these bridges should be under the guidance of a mursyid for the economic self-sufficiency of pesantren.

The Idrisiyyah business movement initially started with a foundation managing pesantren assets. This was followed by the establishment of KOPONTREN (Pesantren Cooperative) Fathiyyah, which became a platform for developing Idrisiyyah's business potential. The cooperative established a general store (WASERDA). After WASERDA, the business movement evolved into Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil (zakat collection unit, microfinance management, supporting the underprivileged, and informal sector economic support). It further developed into PT Umi Holding Company GBI, operating in housing and service industries. PT Umi stands for Usaha Mandiri Idrisiyyah (Idrisiyyah Independent Enterprise).

The exemplary conduct of the mursyid accelerates institutional strengthening, as the mursyid refuses personal ownership of company assets, positively impacting the economic self-sufficiency of the pesantren. The foundation manages the pesantren assets optimally for various purposes, including the mursyid's preaching activities (using the foundation's vehicles and residing in the foundation's property), developing educational infrastructure, ensuring teacher and staff welfare, and expanding the integrated pesantren area.

After all the material was presented, the moderator allowed the attending lecturers to ask questions. The discussion session was brief as the questions were answered promptly and accurately by the speaker.

The PMI Study Program Monthly Discussion concluded with Muhtadi, as the moderator, closing the event, followed by Pramita, the Head of PMI, presenting a certificate of appreciation to the speaker, and ending with a group photo session.

The conclusion drawn from the PMI Study Program Monthly Discussion is that one key to the success of the Idrisiyyah business movement is the application of the "spiritual entrepreneurship" concept, which combines religious aspects with economic activities. Followers of this movement believe that entrepreneurship is not just for profit but also as a form of worship and positive contribution to society.