Closing Ceremony of the 28th Safari Dakwah of the BPI FDIKOM Study Program in Bangunharja, Cisaga Ciamis
Closing Ceremony of the 28th Safari Dakwah of the BPI FDIKOM Study Program in Bangunharja, Cisaga Ciamis

Ciamis, January 20, 2025 The Islamic Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BPI) of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta successfully held the Closing Ceremony of the 28th Da'wah Safari at the Bangunharja Village Office, Cisaga District, Ciamis Regency. This event was combined with the commemoration of the Isra Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which was filled with an inspiring lecture from BPI Lecturer, Mr. M. Jufri Halim, M.Si.

This event was attended by various important figures, including the Chairman of the Ciamis Regency DPRD, Mr. H. Nanang Permana, MH, Assistant for Government and Public Welfare of Ciamis Regency, Mr. Dase Fadil Yusdi, SH, Head of Cisaga District, Mr. H. Agus Susilo, S.Sos., Secretary of Cisaga District, Mr. Bandi Subroto, S.Ip., Head of Bangunharja Village, Mr. Carikin, S.Ag., Chairman of the Village Consultative Body, Mr. Daman Huri, Chairman of the Bangunharja Village MUI, Mr. Hasan.

Head of BPI Study Program, Dr. Hj. Nasichah, MA in her speech, expressed her appreciation for the enthusiasm of the Bangunharja Village community and the full support of the local government. She emphasized that Safari Dakwah is not just an academic activity, but also a form of student devotion in spreading Islamic values, strengthening brotherhood, and building spiritual resilience in the community.

The Chairman of the Ciamis Regency DPRD, Mr. H. Nanang Permana, MH, in his speech, praised the BPI Study Program FDIKOM UIN Jakarta for the Safari Dakwah initiative which has made a positive contribution to the Ciamis community. He hopes that this kind of collaboration will continue to increase religious awareness in the community, especially the younger generation.

The highlight of the event was the Isra Mi'raj commemoration lecture delivered by Mr. M. Jufri Halim, M.Si. In his lecture, he emphasized the importance of emulating the Prophet Muhammad SAW, especially in building awareness of the importance of prayer as a pillar of religion. His messages inspired the community to make worship the foundation of daily life.

Bangunharja Village Head, Mr. Carikin, S.Ag.MA., in his speech, expressed his gratitude for the presence of BPI Study Program students and lecturers. "This activity brings blessings and new enthusiasm to our community. Hopefully this program will continue and benefit more villages," he said.

The Closing Ceremony of the 28th Safari Dakwah was a wise closing of the series of ongoing da'wah activities. The BPI Study Program of FDIKOM UIN Jakarta once again demonstrated its commitment to building synergy between higher education, government, and society to create a better civilization. (NA)

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