Breaking the Fast Together with FDIKOM UIN Jakarta: A Notes in the Perspective of Da'wah
Breaking the Fast Together with FDIKOM UIN Jakarta: A Notes in the Perspective of Da'wah

On a Afternoon towards the afternoon full blessings in the month of Ramadan, some lecturers and staff at one of the faculty well-known in the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta environment , namely Faculty Preaching and Knowledge Communication (FDIKOM), in progress prepare for the breaking of the fast together ( bukber ). Tables long has filled with various dish mouth - watering delicious taste , in Iftar potluck tradition jama'i ( meal event) together where every participant bring dish For shared to everyone present ) . The dishes served start from snack typical breaking the fast , such as kolak , dates , arem-arem , fried food , dimsum , and cakes jack ; food heavy such as white rice , brown rice , fried chicken , steamed carp, gourami fillet, eggs salty , meatballs , and crackers; to food cover , such as pudding , fruit ice , ice cream , pickles , shaved rujak , watermelon , and durian.

However , more from just diversity mouth - watering dish taste , the most noticeable at the opening ceremony together This is warmth togetherness that envelops all over participants . This event No only become event For enjoy dish together , but also become chance for family big FDIKOM --- from dean , vice dean , head of study program and secretary of study program , lecturers , head of lab , GJM, head of section , education staff , up to outsourcing team --- for socializing and sharing fortune . Not only lecturers and staff usual , some Professors, former dean and vice dean , as well as student participate present , create atmosphere full inclusive​ togetherness .

of laughter and warm conversation echoing in the room lecturer , accompanied by with welcome and sermon from dean , former dean , and ustadz and ustadzah who are full of wisdom and jokes . However , not long after the Maghrib call to prayer sounded , the silence envelop for a moment . Everyone bowed head , pray before break the fast fasting , while hope that the fast has been completed implemented throughout day accepted by Allah SWT.

In addition , the event of breaking the fast together This is also accompanied by with giving THR parcels for outsourced employees and manpower education in the FDIKOM environment , which is form attention and love Darling from the lecturers . This is where location privilege tradition open together : moment This remind We will importance values togetherness , sharing , and mutual support in every step life . Opening together at FDIKOM becomes more from just a social event , but also a means For turn on preaching in life daily .

Breaking the Fast Together as a Social Preaching Platform

Open together , or bukber , in Indonesia indeed has become an unheard of tradition inseparable from life Muslims , especially during the month of Ramadan. This moment often become​ event For gather with family , friends , or colleagues , but behind​ That all , open event together can also become means very effective preaching , especially in life social in the environment campus .

In the context of the breaking of the fast event together at FDIKOM, activities This become more from just event enjoy dish together . Open together This become means For strengthen bond Islamic brotherhood , namely connection more brotherhood​ deep between fellow . This is where preaching start applied , not only through formal lecture , but more in form togetherness and mutual share . Presence various element in this event --- start from lecturer , staff education , up to students --- show that preaching No only owned by a certain group of people , but rather can embrace all circles with the full way togetherness .

Togetherness in Diversity : Inclusive Preaching​

One of privilege tradition open together is his ability For embrace the diversity that exists in internal community , although at FDIKOM, the event is open together This followed entirely by Muslims . Tradition This still own mark important in build inclusive togetherness , because in it​ contained message that good preaching​ is preaching that is not forcing , but offer room for every individual For each other knowing , sharing , and understanding .

Breaking the fast together at FDIKOM, even though followed by fellow Muslims , can become example concrete How inclusive preaching​ Can realized . This event No only just meeting social , but also as form preaching that teaches about values love love , share , and care for each other honor between fellow . Presence various element in faculty , start from dean , lecturers , to power education and students , creating a mutual atmosphere support and strengthen Islamic brotherhood . This is where principles moderate and inclusive Islamic preaching can applied , namely build togetherness that is not only prioritize connection between fellow Muslims, but also provide good example​ for others, even though they No part from the same community .

More from that , although participant open together at FDIKOM all Muslims, this event still play a role as room For create harmony between​ Muslims who have background behind diverse social and cultural contexts . In the context of this , preaching No only question convey religious messages , but also about build life together harmoniously and mutually​ value in difference .

With Thus , the event opened together This No only functioning as meeting social , but also as a medium for preaching that teaches mark togetherness , brotherhood and justice socially sourced​ from Islamic teachings . This is form real from preaching that prioritizes harmony , sharing , and mutual respect care , which becomes runway strong for creation a more society inclusive and tolerant .

Da'wah in Life Everyday : Delivering Message Through Actions

Da'wah No always must done through sermons or lecture long . Many ways preaching that can done through action everyday , as it happens at the opening ceremony together at FDIKOM. Dakwah through actions , such as share fortune , strengthen friendship , and show attitude each other respect , in fact more felt and more deep .

Breaking Together as a Da'wah Media Contemporary

In addition , open together can also viewed as form preaching contemporary , which combines religious values with life modern social . In a world that is all busy and often divided by differences , breaking fast events together become the perfect moment For return attention We to values togetherness , sharing , and gratitude . In this event , Islam is taught No only in form teachings theoretically , but in practice easy everyday life accepted and understood by everyone .

Notes Closing

In general overall , open together in Indonesia, especially in environment campus like FDIKOM, become more from just a social event . He is room For full preaching​ meaning , which is not only teach about break the fast fasting , but also strengthening Islamic brotherhood , sharing with each other , and foster a sense of togetherness in life everyday . Preaching No always must come in form formal lecture or sermon, but Can present in every action small showing​ values the nobility of Islam, as it happens at the opening ceremony together this . With so , open together become A a tradition that is not only tighten connection social , but also life-giving preaching in relevant context​ with life contemporary .