Bachelor of Social Welfare
The initiative of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, establishing a Social Welfare Study Program at the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences in 2003 was started in collaboration with The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), McGill University Canada, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia are strategic steps. Not only in terms of science and education, but also from social and political side. From the scientific side, social work programs open up new treasures of research and development of more concrete religious action programs, based on recognized knowledge and skills nationally and internationally. Religious da'wah, thus, will be able to be developed with a stronger approach, methodology, skills and research tradition academically.
From a social and political perspective, this program can fill the limitations of social welfare and social work programs that have existed in various universities in Indonesia and the Ministry of Social Affairs and At the same time make it a potential strength. The integration of social welfare science and social work will enable parties or members of Indonesian society who have not been touched by Social welfare development programs or welfare rights are expected to be helped.
The Social Welfare Study Program at FDIKOM UIN Jakarta is built based on an understanding of "humans" and the meaning and ideals of human welfare, then an understanding of problems which hinders the achievement of human quality, scientific frameworks for analyzing problems and tools for action to strive for the realization of social welfare and institutional tools used to support it. The field of Social Work and Social Welfare produced through research in the form of theses, theses, dissertations, and other scientific works has criteria that do not conflict with Scientific, Islam and Indonesia, even encouraged to produce new "variants" in the integrative treasures of Social Work and Social Welfare. Integrating wellbeing approaches social with an Islamic approach and Indonesian cultural culture.
The Welfare Study Program involves stakeholders in formulating its curriculum. Stakeholders involved in the curriculum include the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, partner institutions, Kessos alumni, users graduates (users) to get feedback in the world of Social Work practice and Social Welfare Science in the professional world. So that the preparation of the curriculum can adjust to the dynamics of the social worker profession now this.
The position of the Social Welfare Study Program at the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Studies (FDIKOM) of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta has several comparative and competitive advantages compared to Similar programs at other universities. The Social Welfare Study Program will have a great opportunity to develop knowledge in the field of social welfare and appropriate social work with the context and needs of the majority Muslim community in Indonesia. Thus the desire to integrate and build linkage between social welfare knowledge and skills with efforts Islamic social welfare is a very realistic goal. This is a comparative advantage of social welfare education at FDIKOM UIN Jakarta.
The Social Welfare Study Program of FDIKOM UIN Jakarta received a recommendation for the opening of the Social Welfare (S1) study program at Syarif Hidayatullah UIN Jakarta from the Ministry of National Education, Director General of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia with No. SSurat 3223.5/D2.2/2010. The Social Welfare Study Program received accreditation from BANPT No. 377 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / S / IX / 2014 accredited with rank B. then the Social Welfare Study Program FDIKOM UIN Jakarta carried out reaccreditation in 2020 based on BAN-PT No. 7671/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/XI/2020 meets the requirements for accreditation rating A valid from November 24, 2020 to November 25, 2025.
- Develop a superior education and learning system in the field of social work and social welfare;
- Integrating Islamic and Indonesian values in the education and learning system in the field of social work and social welfare;
- Developing creative, inspirational social care as part of the tri dharma of higher education;
- Strengthen cooperation with social work and social welfare education institutions and social welfare service institutions at national and regional levels;
- Strengthening the distinction of the Social Welfare Study Program of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as the Center for Social Work Education and Islamic Social Welfare;
- Graduated bachelors of social welfare and social work who have akhlaqul karimah and have expertise as individual, family and group social workers, community social workers, social policy analyst, manager of humanitarian service institutions, social work researcher, da'i who has Islamic and Indonesian insights;
- Produce superior studies, research and literature in the field of social work and social welfare that are integrated with Islam and Indonesia;
- The implementation of creative and innovative social welfare services;
- Have extensive networks with social work and social welfare education institutions and social welfare service institutions at national and regional levels;
- The realization of the Social Welfare Study Program of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as the Center for Social Work Education and Islamic Social Welfare.
General competence of graduates of the Social Welfare study program UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
- Social Policy Analysis who has a good personality, is knowledgeable and up-to-date in their fields and is able to carry out the task of analyzing social problems in Indonesia Based on science and expertise in national insight.
- Individual, Family and Group Social Workers who have good personality, are knowledgeable and up-to-date in their fields and are able to carry out the duties of social workers Based on Islamic, scientific and professional teachings and ethics.
- Community Social Workers who have good personality, are knowledgeable and up-to-date in their fields and are able to carry out social work tasks based on teachings and ethics Islamic, scientific and professional.
- Social Researchers who have good personalities, are knowledgeable and up-to-date in their fields and are able to carry out religious social research tasks based on teachings and Islamic ethics, science and expertise.
- Managers of Human Service Institutions who have good personalities, are knowledgeable and up-to-date in their fields and are able to carry out socio-religious research tasks Based on Islamic teachings and ethics, science and expertise.
- Chamiyatus Sidqiyah, M.Kesos.
- Muhammad Kholis Hamdy, S.Sos.I., MInt.Dev.
- Dr. Arief Subhan, M.Ag.
- Drs. Helmi Rustandi, M.Ag.
- Dr. Siti Napsiyah, S.Ag., MSW.
- Nunung Khoiriyah, M.A.
- Ismet Firdaus, M.Si.
- Budi Rahman Hakim, S.Ag., MSW.
- Ahmad Zaky, M.Si.
- Lisma Dyawati Fuaida, M.Si.
- Ellies Sukmawati, S.T., M.Si.
- Ahmad Darda, M.Pd
- Suhendra, M.Si.
- Nadya Kharima, M.Kesos.
- Achivement 1 (Students)
- Achivement 2 (Lecturer)
Campus Radio
Radio Da'wah and Communication FM or RDK FM is one of the communities under the auspices of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM), State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The membership of the RDK FM crew consists of students of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences. Therefore, RDK FM is one of the learning platforms for FDIKOM students who Interested in the world of radio, not only that students can also learn about organizations. Activities in RDK FM are not much different from broadcast operations in the radio world like covering the news, editing radio advertisements, creating interesting programs, establishing cooperation, and other radio operational activities. RDK FM can be heard on a frequency of 107.9 FM with coverage broadcast about 2.5 kilometers from FDIKOM, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
DNKTV (Dakwah and Communication Television) is a community broadcasting organization for students engaged in broadcasting and journalism. DNK TV is also a medium of learning media for students who want to improve their skills in television broadcasting and Journalism. By providing information, education, and entertainment services to the community, DNK TV wants to have an impact in order to educate the community towards a civil society.
The Library of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences has a collection that includes more than 2,000 books and 1,000 current scientific journals across the various disciplines taught. This collection is constantly updated and expanded in line with curriculum and research developments.