Bachelor of Journalism
Accreditation rating of B, based on SK BAN-PT No. 10634/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IX/2021.
- Organizing education in the field of media and journalistic studies that are able to produce journalists who have professionalism, al-akhlaq al-karimah, and integrity within the framework of Islam, Indonesian and scientific.
- Conducting research activities on media and journalistic studies both theoretical and practical in nature to contribute to solving social, cultural and religious problems in national and international levels.
- Providing community service in the form of knowledge dissemination, insight development and awareness strengthening related to information literacy for the fulfillment of public information rights.
- Building innovation and networking with institutions, academics and practitioners who are active in the development of media studies, journalism and digital technology to expand and strengthen integration Scientific and Recognition of Study Programs at National and International Levels
- Creating graduates with Islamic Communication and Broadcasting scientific competencies who are intelligent, have noble character, are competitive and contribute to scientific development at the national level and international;
- Organizing quality and credible academic programs and activities;
- Meeting the needs of the community for a master of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting science who is qualified in scientific competence and expertise.
STUDY PROGRAM SCIENCE AND THOSE DEVELOPED: History of the National Press, Fundamentals of Radio and TV Broadcasting, Journalistic Language, Legal System of the Press and Mass Media, Print Journalism and Online, Radio and TV Journalism, Photojournalism, Investigative Interview and Reportage Techniques, Feature and Editorial Writing Techniques, Editing and Editing Techniques, Media Research, Management Mass Media Industry, Print and Online Media Production, TV and Radio Production, Journalism Practicum (profession),
- Fauziah Muslimah, M.I.Kom.
- Dr. Bintan Humeira, M.Si.
- Drs. Helmi Hidayat, M.A.
- Siti Nurbaya, M.Si.
- Rachmat Baihaky, M.A.
- Kholis Ridho, M.Si.
- Musfiroh Nurlaili H., M.A.
- Dr. Rubiyanah, MA.
- Syamsul Rijal, M.A., Ph.D.
- Dr. Suhaimi, M.Si.
- Ali Irfani, M.HI.
- Dr. Deden Mauli Darajat, S.Sos.I., M.Sc.
- Rizaludin Kurniawan, S.Ag., M.Si.
Campus Radio
Radio Da'wah and Communication FM or RDK FM is one of the communities under the auspices of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM), State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The membership of the RDK FM crew consists of students of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences. Therefore, RDK FM is one of the learning platforms for FDIKOM students who Interested in the world of radio, not only that students can also learn about organizations. Activities in RDK FM are not much different from broadcast operations in the radio world like covering the news, editing radio advertisements, creating interesting programs, establishing cooperation, and other radio operational activities. RDK FM can be heard on a frequency of 107.9 FM with coverage broadcast about 2.5 kilometers from FDIKOM, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
DNKTV (Dakwah and Communication Television) is a community broadcasting organization for students engaged in broadcasting and journalism. DNK TV is also a medium of learning media for students who want to improve their skills in television broadcasting and Journalism. By providing information, education, and entertainment services to the community, DNK TV wants to have an impact in order to educate the community towards a civil society.
The Library of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences has a collection that includes more than 2,000 books and 1,000 current scientific journals across the various disciplines taught. This collection is constantly updated and expanded in line with curriculum and research developments.