Bachelor of Islamic Society Development
Accreditation rating of Superior, based on SK BAN-PT No. 6346/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.KP/S/X/2024
- Educating professional scholars in the field of da'wah and communication to meet the needs of the community, especially in the field of Community Development
- Educating prospective Community Developer scholars who have knowledge, skills, and professional attitudes of Community Developer and are able to carry out their social functions, both in institutions government, private sector, and society, as well as international institutions.
- Educating prospective scholars of Community Development who are able to develop science and conduct research, both pure and applied for the benefit of science and society
- Conducting service in the field of community development.
- Cooperate with domestic and foreign related institutions for community development.
- Producing scholars with noble character who have professional competence in community development who master concepts, strategies, methods and management, as well as applications of community development through the implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education;
- Producing graduates who are able to analyze and overcome social problems with a community empowerment approach, namely by developing the potential of human resources, resources environment, and economic development;
- Producing graduates who are able to take part in various social service agencies in government, private, and community institutions, as well as international institutions.
The Islamic Community Development study program aims to prepare Muslim scholars who are able to take part in the field of Islamic community development. In particular, the camera directed to equip students in the sciences of Islamic society and its development. The Expertise Courses that teach in this department are the Basics of Islamic Community Development, Sociology, Management of Islamic Community Welfare, Introduction to Economics, Social History of Indonesian Islamic Society, Development Studies, Culture, Islamic Politics, Islamic Geography, Islamic Economic System, Islamic Bank Management, Social Science Paradigms and Theories, Introduction to Gender Studies, Rural Sociology, Community Development Management, Sociology of Development, Urban Sociology, Entrepreneurship, Economic Map of Muslims, Ecology/Environmental Sciences, Computer Development Techniques.
- Achivement 1 (Students)
- Achivement 2 (Lecturer)
Campus Radio
Radio Da'wah and Communication FM or RDK FM is one of the communities under the auspices of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM), State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The membership of the RDK FM crew consists of students of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences. Therefore, RDK FM is one of the learning platforms for FDIKOM students who Interested in the world of radio, not only that students can also learn about organizations. Activities in RDK FM are not much different from broadcast operations in the radio world like covering the news, editing radio advertisements, creating interesting programs, establishing cooperation, and other radio operational activities. RDK FM can be heard on a frequency of 107.9 FM with coverage broadcast about 2.5 kilometers from FDIKOM, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
DNKTV (Dakwah and Communication Television) is a community broadcasting organization for students engaged in broadcasting and journalism. DNK TV is also a medium of learning media for students who want to improve their skills in television broadcasting and Journalism. By providing information, education, and entertainment services to the community, DNK TV wants to have an impact in order to educate the community towards a civil society.
The Library of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences has a collection that includes more than 2,000 books and 1,000 current scientific journals across the various disciplines taught. This collection is constantly updated and expanded in line with curriculum and research developments.