Bachelor of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting
The Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Program (KPI) is one of the Study Programs within the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences. In fact, it is the first study program established in The faculty was in the academic year 1990/1991. Initially, this study program was called the Broadcasting and Religious Information Study Program (PPA). Then in the academic year 1996/1997 it changed its name to Study Program Islamic Communication and Broadcasting, as it exists today.
In the academic year 1997-1998 the Faculty of Da'wah reopened one department, namely Da'wah Management (MD). A year after the opening of the MD Study Program, precisely in the academic year 1998-1999, the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Science opened one more study program, namely the Islamic Community Development Study Program (PMI). In 2004-2005, in line with the increasing interest of prospective students in the KPI Study Program, especially in the field of communication and mass media, the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences opened a Journalism Concentration; then in the academic year 2015/2016 it was developed again by opening a concentration in Public Speaking and Broadcasting. In the long course of its history, KPI Study Program has experienced five accreditations, namely in 2000, with an A accreditation rating, in 2006 an A accreditation rating with a value of 368, years 2012 accreditation rating A with a value of 369, in 2018, accreditation rating A, with a value of 362, and finally in January 2023 also with an accreditation rating of A, with a value of 362, based on SK BAN-PT No. 116/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/S/I/2023.
- Achieved superior accreditation rating and internationally accredited.
- Has a reputation and is a reference for innovation-based Islamic Communication and Broadcasting study programs, both at national and international levels.
- Realizing learning that is integrated with Islam, Indonesia, and science.
- Realizing integrative learning with research and community service in the field of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting.
- Organizing cooperation at national and international levels in the field of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting
- Improve student competence in academic and non-academic fields
The goals and objectives of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Programme (KPI) are the main reference for all learning and teaching activities, research, and community service for the academic community of the KPI Study Programme. The vision, missions, goals, objectives and achievements are not static, but dynamic because they are reviewed periodically. The review is carried out according to the following three points. First, referring to the development of science and technology, especially in the fields of da'wah and communication sciences. Second, referring to social and cultural changes that occur in local, regional, and international contexts. Third, changes in the university's vision and mission—in this case UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
- The process of reviewing the vision, missions, goals and targets of the KPI Study Programme is conducted by an institutional mechanism with a logical system involving stakeholders. The stages of the review can be described as follows:
The dean forms a team to review the faculty's strategic plan—including study programme strategic plans which are usually integrated with curriculum reviews. The team then conduct a needs assessment and Focus Group Discussion by inviting the academic community and compiling the first draft; - The team holds a draft discussion workshop by inviting expert speakers from outside the university and involves university leaders (high ranking of management), faculty academics such as lecturers, students, and education staff; The next active participants are stakeholders, i.e. users. All are invited as active participants;
- The team revises the first draft based on critics and inputs from workshop participants so that it became the second draft;
- The second draft is submitted to the faculty leadership and brought to the faculty senate meeting for consideration and approval by the senate so that it becomes the final draft;
- The faculty leadership makes a decision.
Placed in the context of universities and faculties; the Vision, Missions, Objectives, and Targets of the KPI Study Programme are derivatives of the Vision, Missions, Objectives, Targets of the faculties and universities as shown below:
The last KPI Study Programme Vision, Missions, Goals and Targets Review was held on June 16 2015 in the Workshop of Curriculum Review, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The workshop is part of the adaptation stage of the KKNI (Indonesian National Qualifications Framework) into FDIKOM. There are many aspects that will be affected by the adaptation of the IQF, including the vision, missions, goals and objectives of the study programme, including the content in the study programme and curriculum which must be reflected in the KPI study programme. Therefore, the adaptation of the IQF is a big job that is carried out in stages.
The next stage—which is still a series of workshop activities above—is the FGD held at the same place.FDG participants are wider than the workshop participants. If the workshop participants consist merely of the entire FDIKOM academic community from the KPI Study Programme, including education staff, then in the FGD stakeholders are invited as active participants. Stakeholders here include alumni and users. The reference used in all these activities is the Chancellor Regulation of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta Number 10 of 2015 concerning Curriculum Development Guidelines for the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. The following is the formulation of the Vision, Missions, Objectives and Targets of the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Programme (KPI):
External parties involved in creating graduate profiles
The process of creating a profile for KPI study programme graduates involved the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Association (Askopis). On October 24 2020, the KPI study programme together with Askopis held an online meeting to discuss the profiles of KPI study programme graduates. Dr. Zamroni, M.Sc. as general chairman of Askopis directs improvements to the main and supporting competencies for the profile of KPI study programme graduates. In addition, Dr. Zamroni, M.Sc. also reviewed study materials, mapping and packaging of study materials, as well as the achievements of the graduate programmes that each study programme graduate profile had.
In the process of creating a graduate profile, Prof. Andi Faisal Bakti, MA., as chairman of the Islamic communications consortium who is also the advisory board of Askopis proposed that the vision and missions of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta can be transferred to the vision and missions of the KPI Study Programme.
Industries/agencies absorbing graduates (Collaboration)
The KPI Study Programme collaborates with several agencies in terms of absorption of graduates. FDIKOM has collaborated with central, regional and border public media such as TVRI and RRI (state television and Radio); National commercial media including the private sector (MNC group, Trans Group, TV one and ANTV, SCTV and Indosiar TV); Community media and da'wah radio consisting of UMN campus radio, Rasil radio, Rodja, Fajar FM, RASS FM, and Wadi radio.
- Students have knowledge, understanding, and theoretical and practical abilities in the field of communication science
- Students have knowledge, understanding, and theoretical and practical abilities in the field of Islamic broadcasting
- Students have knowledge and understanding of religious and social issues.
- Students have Islamic personalities that can be role models in the life of society, nation, and state.
- Students become theoretically and practically competent scholars and are able to compete in filling jobs and or creating new jobs.
- Prof. Dr. Andi M. Faisal Bakti, M.A
- Prof. Syamsul Rijal, M.A., Ph.D
- Prof. Dr. Murodi, M.A
- Iskandar Trilaksono, S.E., M.M
- Dr. Ibnu Qoyim, M.S
- Pia Khoirotun Nisa, M.I.Kom
- Muhammad Fanshoby, M.Sos
- Ellya Pratiwi, S.Sos., M.A
- Musfiah Saidah, S.Sos., M.Si
- Drs. Jumroni, M.Si
- Dr. H. M. Yakub, M.A
- Dr. Armawati Arbi, M.Si
- Dr. Abd. Rozak, M.A
- Drs. Wahidin Saputra, M.Ag
- Dr. Fatmawati, M.Ag
- Dr. H. Edi Amin, S.Ag., M.A
- Drs. Sunandar, M.Ag
- Drs. Masran, M.Ag
- Dr. Umi Musyarrofah, M.A
- Dr. Fita Fathurokhmah, M.Si
- Dr. Yopi Kusmiati, S.Sos.I., M.Si
- Zakaria, M.Ag
- Ade Masturi, M.A
- Ade Rina Farida, M.Si
- Kalsum Minangsih, M.A
- Dudun Ubaedullah, M.Ag.
- Burhanuddin, M.A
- Thalitha Sacharissa Rosyiidiani, M.I.Kom
- Julie Trisnadewani, S.Sn., M.I.Kom
- Prof. Dr. Andi M. Faisal Bakti, M.A
- Prof. Syamsul Rijal, M.A., Ph.D.
- Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, M.Si
- Dr. H. Syamsul Yakin, M.A
- Prof. Dr. Jamhari, M.A
- Dr. Rulli Nasrullah, M.Si
- Dr. Sihabudin Noor, M.Ag
- Prof. Dr. Andi M. Faisal Bakti, M.A
- Prof. Syamsul Rijal, M.A., Ph.D.
- Prof. Dr. Murodi, M.A
- Prof. Dr. Andi M. Faisal Bakti, M.A
- Prof. Syamsul Rijal, M.A., Ph.D.
- Prof. Dr. Murodi, M.A
- Prof. Dr. Asep Usman Ismail, M.A.
- BAN-PT 2022-2025
- AUN-QA 2022
Campus Radio
Radio Da'wah and Communication FM or RDK FM is one of the communities under the auspices of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM), State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The membership of the RDK FM crew consists of students of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences. Therefore, RDK FM is one of the learning platforms for FDIKOM students who Interested in the world of radio, not only that students can also learn about organizations. Activities in RDK FM are not much different from broadcast operations in the radio world like covering the news, editing radio advertisements, creating interesting programs, establishing cooperation, and other radio operational activities. RDK FM can be heard on a frequency of 107.9 FM with coverage broadcast about 2.5 kilometers from FDIKOM, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
DNKTV (Dakwah and Communication Television) is a community broadcasting organization for students engaged in broadcasting and journalism. DNK TV is also a medium of learning media for students who want to improve their skills in television broadcasting and Journalism. By providing information, education, and entertainment services to the community, DNK TV wants to have an impact in order to educate the community towards a civil society.
The Library of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences has a collection that includes more than 2,000 books and 1,000 current scientific journals across the various disciplines taught. This collection is constantly updated and expanded in line with curriculum and research developments.