Audience of the S1 and S2 Study Program of Da'wah Management, FDIKOM UIN Jakarta with the Directorate of Hajj and Imrah Development, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia
Jakarta, January 22, 2025 – The Undergraduate and Masters Programs in Da'wah Management, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held an important audience with the Directorate of Hajj Guidance. This event was attended by the Director of Hajj Guidance, Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Organization, Ministry of Religion, Dr. HH Musta'in Ahmad SH, MH, Deputy Dean 2 Dr. Rubiyanah MA., Head of the Undergraduate Da'wah Management Study Program Amirudin M.Si., Head of the Masters Program in Da'wah Management Dr. Cecep Castrawijaya, MA. MM., and representatives of the Masters Program in Da'wah Management students and alumni of the MD Undergraduate Siti Sofiah Rahmawati, S. Sos. This meeting took place in the room of the Director of Hajj Guidance, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia.
This audience aims to discuss the implementation plan for the certification of hajj guides, which is considered very important in improving the quality of hajj services in Indonesia. In his opening remarks, Dr. Cecep Castrawijaya, MA. MM. conveyed the importance of quality hajj guides to ensure that pilgrims can perform the hajj properly and in accordance with sharia.
Amirudin M.Si., explained the urgent need for professional and trained hajj guides. He emphasized that this certification will not only improve the competence of the guides, but will also provide a sense of security and comfort for the congregation during the hajj pilgrimage.
"This certification of hajj guides is a strategic step in responding to the challenges faced by guides, especially in the context of improving the quality of service and understanding of applicable regulations. We hope that the faculty can play an active role in this process," said the Head of the MD S1 Study Program (Amirudin M.Si.).
In the discussion, it was certainly warmly welcomed by the Director of Hajj Guidance, Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Organization, Ministry of Religion, who is ready to synergize with FDIKOM UIN Jakarta. "Hajj guide certification is a very good activity and must be continued because in it, guidance has been carried out for prospective hajj and umrah guides to make the congregation not only accepted but also accepted."
"The training material must cover various aspects, starting from the management of the Hajj pilgrimage, ethics of communication with pilgrims, mental and spiritual preparation in the guidance of Hajj rituals to handling problems that may arise during the implementation of the Hajj. Thus, the guides can provide optimal service," continued Dr. HH Musta'in Ahmad SH, MH
Vice Dean 2 also emphasized the faculty's commitment to support this certification program. He invited all parties to collaborate and support the implementation of certification in order to improve the quality of hajj guides in Indonesia.
The hearing was closed with an agreement to continue further discussions regarding the details of the certification implementation, including the time, location, and resources needed. With this collaboration, the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences hopes to be able to answer the challenges in Hajj guidance and make a positive contribution to society. Hajj guide certification is expected to not only improve the quality of service, but also strengthen the faculty's position as an educational institution committed to developing professionalism in the field of da'wah and Hajj services.(Siti Sofiah Rahmawati)